How Cool Roofs Can Aid in Environmental Protection

A cool roof is a building innovation that keeps terraces relatively cool in comparison to the air temp. This is achievable because they reflect the incoming solar radiation, lowering heat absorption by the roof and hence the building, and increasing occupant comfort. Always choose a Ross roofing contractor that has extensive knowledge in cool roof technologies for your home or business.

The majority of the world’s roofs are dark in hue. When the sun is at its peak, the surface of a dark-colored roof can heat up significantly.  This is mostly due to the fact that dark hues and black absorb more solar energy than light colors and white. This heat gain works its way down the roof and raises the temperature of the interior. This implies that the air conditioning system will have to work harder to compensate. This results in greater electricity usage and, as a result, a larger carbon footprint.

However, cool roofs provide immediate and long-term advantages, such as:

  • Building heat gain is reduced because a white or reflecting roof generally raises the temperature of the building over the ambient temperature throughout the day.
  • Savings of up to 15% on a single-story building’s yearly air-conditioning energy consumption
  • Roofs with a longer service life
  • Improved roof energy efficiency, especially when the roof envelope does not have enough insulation
  • Improved thermal comfort in non-air-conditioned buildings
  • There will be a considerable reduction in air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as a large offset to the warming effect of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Roofs constructed of cool roofing materials, roofs covered with solar reflectors, and green planted roofs are the three main types of cool canopies seen in commercial and industrial structures.

Roofs That Are Naturally Cool

White vinyl canopies, for example, manufactured of thermoplastic white vinyl, can reflect up to 80% of the sun’s rays while emitting 70% of the solar energy that the structure receives. As previously mentioned, an asphalt canopy barely reflects between 6 and 20% of solar energy, resulting in apparent drawbacks.

Crowns with a Coating

By adding a solar reflecting coating on the surface of a roof, it may be made reflective. The Cool Roof Rating Council’s website contains reflectivity and emissivity ratings for over 1000 distinct reflective roof materials.

Green Roofing

Green roofs offer a thermal mass layer, which aids in the reduction of heat transfer into a structure. Green roofs’ solar reflectance varies depending on the plant species. Green roofs collect more solar heat and reflect less sunlight than white roofs. The greenhouse effect traps the excess heat in the green roof, which is later cooled by evapotranspiration. Given the numerous benefits, it is important that cool roofs are not restricted to a select few. More investment in innovation and science will enable the development of better, more cost-effective solutions. Cool roofs, on the other hand, are here to stay.

Cool roofs are new technical advancements based on basic scientific concepts. Though initially costly, they provide long-term benefits like as reduced power usage and a smaller carbon impact. In this post, we looked at the details of cool roofing and the benefits they provide for your home or business. For expert assistance, always choose a reputable Ross roof repair contractor for your roofing needs. 

At Ken Cooper Roofing& Gutter Systems, our courteous crew is ready and happy to alleviate any natural worry you may feel when undertaking such a major home remodeling job. In fact, one of our primary goals is to ensure your comfort. We want you to be as well-informed as possible when making selections about your roofing or gutter system.